The story is based on two well-known Marvel storylines: Secret War and Civil War. Nevertheless, there are some points of light twinkling in the murk that mainly come from the source material bringing the fabled heroes together. The game doesn't do the explosive story any justice. In contrast to its Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 cousins, this version of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 is wholly inadequate. The action is awkward, the level design is messy and uninspired, and the minimal dialogue and inconsistent voice acting denigrate the source material. Unfortunately, an unfinished and poorly designed button masher is wrapped around it instead.
This action/role-playing game set in the Marvel universe starts with a good foundation-namely, the excellent Civil War storyline, which provides a fitting backdrop for what could have been an all-star, superpowered frolic. The good news: Marvel Alliance 2 doesn't feature nearly as much waggling as the first game.